I’ve been writing for years, it’s an addiction, and to be honest I was very sceptical about software aids, I was a great believer in the good old fountain pen for a first draft, editing as I typed it up. But I’d heard so many good things about Scrivener that earlier this year I splashed out for it. Then - catastrophe! I liked to work in the Mitchell Library free from distractions like the two naughty cats that manage this establishment, or failing that in my favourite café. Then came Covid19: the Mitchell closed, the café went for collection-only and in any case I, with my asthma, was confined to barracks with the moggies. I’m free again now but to be honest I went right off the boil. I’m hoping to use Scrivener and the support of fellow writers to kick-start my work again.
I write crime fiction, articles, a bit of poetry, occasional sketches for radio comedy.
PS I see I joined this forum several years back. I’d completely forgotten. A great deal has happened to me since then !
Hi enitharmon,
I’m not too far from you - Edinburgh…and yes, know a little how you feel…had gotten into a routine of working in the one of the libraries here, or in Starbucks across from the castle
In any case, just thought I’d say welcome back to the writing world…glad to hear the moggies are keeping you company.
Lovely to meet you. I was supposed to be going to Edinburgh yesterday but the meeting was postponed. That was probably just as well given what a filthy day it was.
When I’m over there and need a place to work there’s a café in Gorgie I go to where it’s quiet and I’m left in peace. Also the Kilderkin pub in Canongate if I’m visiting Holyrood, which happens occasionally.
I hope you’re able to kick-start your work. I assume most of us writers are more pleasant to be around when we’re feeling productive versus when we’re not. I know that’s the case with me at least. So here’s to a more pleasant world!
Jim . … … from the US, who had to google moggies
wanted to say thanks for mentioning the Kilderkin - I like Canongate but haven’t tried the Kilderkin. Hopefully when things are a bit more settled.
Also, Jim saying he had to look ‘moggie’ up made me recheck my understanding of the word, and suddenly worry that I might have insulted you or your cats, especially if they are pedigree. I hope not!
If you’re looking for another good place to write, the central library on George IV Bridge is great - not the reference room which is lovely but often crowded and the seating torturous. But the lower sub-basement floors where the music and Scottish collections are housed - big, bright rooms overlooking bits of the Canongate.
Do feel free to get in touch if you’re in Edinburgh and would like to meet and exchange cat stories over a coffee or pint some day. (Basics: I’m female, married, love cats, though currently catless, and still struggling to get back into a writing routine.)