Bookends problem?

I’m wondering if anyone has had a similar problem using Bookends and Scrivener. I am currently using Bookends 14.0.6 and Scrivener 3.3.1 in Monterey. I can get to Bookends out of Scrivener just fine using ⌘Y, but ⌘Y from Bookends won’t paste the citation when it goes back to Scrivener (I need to type ⌘V manually). The same is true when I try to copy a citation with ⌘Y from the Floating Citations window. ⌘Y from Bookends does work fine with other programs. I have Bookends enabled in the Accessibility panel in Privacy and under Automation. I didn’t have this problem before I upgraded to Monterey.

Anybody else have this problem?

This is probably not of any help for you but: On Ventura Scrivener 3.3.1 and Bookends 14.2 flawlessly work together.

Scrivener 3.3.1 Bookends 14.2 and Ventura 13.3.1 working well in both direction here (and floating citations pasting fine too). As Jon mentioned over on the BE forum, macOS can be very flaky with security permissions so you can try removing both scrivener and BE and re-adding them several times, rebooting etc.

EDIT: I tested my Monterey iMac and BE 14.2 + Scr 3.3.1 are working too…