Both ways link

Hello ! New user of scrivener here, sorry if my question has already been answered elsewhere but even after reading multiple post and watching some videos i have not been able to get to an answer.

Is there a native way to append a selection to a document and have it work as a link that goes both ways ? I understand that i can select some text, link it to a document, then append the selection to the document and re-do it backward, but it feels, kinda, backward.

I am just looking for a way to easily catalog things, where i can just click on a link and go to the place where it’s from.

For exemple in “scene 1” i write “the big flower in the windox box is pink and purple”, send it to “Places>House in the prairy” and when in “Places>House in the prairy” i can just click on “the big flower in the windox box is pink and purple” and be sent to the correct line in “Scene 1” without having to do 4 links and looking around.

And if not is there a way to see what files are linked to a file ?

Sorry if i’m not very clear, english is not my first language and it seems writing all day tired me more than i thought !

Have a good day (or night) !

Well, you can create a document link from a word or phrase to a document, but you can’t link from a document to a word or phrase.

Select [Doc­u­ment Links and Book­marks cre­ate back links Book­marks] in [File > Op­tions > Be­hav­ior > Doc­u­ment Links]. This cre­ates a Book­mark in the doc­u­ment con­tain­ing the link and so cross-links the two doc­u­ments

To cre­ate a link, se­lect the En­try in the text, then Press Ctrl/Cmd + L.
Scrivener opens the Link to Doc­u­ment di­a­log win­dow with the Cre­ate New Linked Doc­u­ment tab open.
Point to the folder which will contain your linked document. Scrivener re­mem­bers the last folder used.
Press [OK] or hit the En­ter but­ton on your key­board.
Scrivener cre­ates a new doc­u­ment with your se­lec­tion as the ti­tle in the se­lected folder.
Scrivener opens a Quick Ref­er­ence Panel.
Type or paste the de­scrip­tion in the Quick Ref­er­ence Panel.
Close the Quick Ref­er­ence Panel