?Bug - Typewriter scrolling still on, when zoomed to 110%, inspector sidebar closed

A very specific one this, but it appears that on my macbook (2015) that when I zoom to 110%, and close the inspector sidebar, typewriter scrolling, or a janky approximation of it, returns even if disabled under ‘view->etc.’ Switching to 100% or 125% and the scrolling seems normal (i.e. typewriter scrolling stops).

If I enable typewriter scrolling on the 110% zoom the scrolling seems to bounce around up and down by a couple of line widths. It’s impossible to write with the jumping around. But ONLY on 110% zoom, which is naturally my favourite view.

This bug happens to me too. I use Scrivener at 140% and it is impossible to disable “typewriter scrolling - or a janky approximation of it” just as the OP noted.

I go under view > text editing > typewriter scrolling, toggle on and off, and it stays on, no matter what.

A small thing - but means I can’t use my preferred zoom. It was driving me nuts and drove me to Google where I found this post. (and maybe I was procrastinating a little on the writing.)

I noticed that if I switch to 150% the constant repositioning/scrolling of my manuscript every time I type stops.

FWIW I am in scrivenings view.

Love, love Scrivener btw and have used it for MANY years. This is a rare bug. Thank you!

I’m afraid I cannot reproduce this at any zoom level. Things to try:

  • Change the window width a twitch. Sometimes this clears out gremlins like this.

  • If that doesn’t work, test turning off “Fixed width editor” in Preferences > Appearance > Main Editor. Does that make it go away?

All the best,

This is happening again - it was such a hassle in 2.9 that I upgraded to 3.0, and it’s happening again a week later.
It’s akin to having a strobe light, enough to make using Scrivener a miserable experience, but I have so much work on Scrivener. I’m surprised no-one else gets this bug.

Well I never. I see this too from time to time. It always happens with large documents (usually something imported). It also seems to randomly kick in at approximately 2,000 words in a doc.

I use full screen mode, so I can’t change the window size, but I’ll try messing with “Fixed Width Editor” next time it happens.

How strange that so many of use 110% with the Inspector closed.

(Scriv 3.1.4, Mojave)

I just reproduced this issue in Scrivener, 64-bit on Windows 10. It occurred after I had activated “Text Editing” → “Show Titles in Scrivenings” AND “Only Scrivenings Titles for Folders”. For two hours, I thought my motor skills were declining because of advancing age (I prefer a 175% zoom). Fortunately, I then discovered that this wasn’t true. Deactivating “Only Scrivenings Titles for Folders” solved the issue

I’ve had the same “jumping around” issue – the text moves slightly up and down for every key I press while typing. Disabling “Fixed width editor” does seem to get rid of the issue, but I’d prefer if I were able to leave it on.