Bullet list and numbered lists in Scrivener

I’m having some issues with the bullet lists and numbered lists in Scrivener.
The main reason for using those, is simplicity for formatting margins for secondary lines etc. In Scrivener I don’t get soft linebreaks to work (Shift+Return).
It’s hard to get linebreaks within a list item, and if I make it look good, it’s messed up if I add another item and/or when I copy&paste from Scrivener to f.ex. Nisus or when I compile to RTF.

I made som attachments to illustrate.

So, is this a known lack in the RTF editor?
If so, could I suggest an item for the wish list?

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Starting an enumerated list with a starting number (other than 1)

Ok. That is a good work around to know about. Thank you. The main issue however is that what I need to do is a hard or soft return so there is enough space between each line for the ‘reader’ of my client’s book to write in. In word, if you press return twice, it cancels the number, creates an unnumbered hard return (or soft) and continues the number.

With the method you ahve explained to me, I will need to do that for EVERY numbered point. Which is impossibly rtime consuming if there are 25 numbered exercises for instance.

I could Attach screenshots of what I mean. but i dont know how
Frist screenshot I have pressed enter
A number has come up where I want a blank
So I return again
the number vanishes as I wanted but
the next number starts at 1 again

Is there a work around so that I don’t have to Custom for ever single bullet point?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re talking about a visual empty line, right, that would be on paper, that the reader writes in? If so I would consider using formatting for that instead of actually inserting empty lines. That will be far easier to control, and edit around. Check in Format ▸ Paragraph ▸ Line and Paragraph Spacing..., for the field to add space below paragraphs (which each list item will be).

Otherwise you can insert a line break in Scrivener (see the Insert ▸ Break submenu for the shortcut). This is how you might simulate multiple paragraphs per list item, too, though it’s obviously not quite the same thing (RTF to my knowledge doesn’t support that concept at all, like HTML does).

(For screenshots just drag and drop the image into the text editor.)

hi yes an empty line or 2 or 3 if the clients so wishes
thanks for your suggestions

line break is a good one! hadn’t thought of that. def solves my problem in scrivener…hopefully it will compile as it looks into word and pdf. shame there isn’t a short cut for inserting line - i have to do a lot of them!

There is a shortcut!!! on mac alt + cmd + return!
exactly what i was looking for thank you so much