I overcame this by setting up Paragraph Styles for bulleted items calling them BulletL1 for level 1, BulletL2 for level 2, etc.
and switching on the Ruler (Alt+Shift+R) also helped as left indent of a bullet on Windows should never be 0cm. Scrivener simply makes a mess of it. Mine is 0.25cm. After that my gap to the text is anything 0.5cm and above.
If I have varying bullets, I first set everything to level 1, then handle the level 2 items in between.
It’s all a massive work-around, but once you have the Paragraph Style in place it works out easier.
I’ve also set separate Paragraph Styles for bullets/numbers in Tables, calling them TblBulletL1, etc.
The solution for Windows is: set the bullets, then apply the Paragraph Styles.
One further thing is my ruler is set to snap an even distance in File > Options > Editor > Formatting for precise accuracy.
The main problem is that only occur when I compile the text, if I print it, the alignment error doesn’t occur.
About your solution, it doesn’t work for me because some of my texts have more than 10k words and the solution you presented to me would be massive rework.
I tried, but cannot reproduce your error.
Have you checked your settings in the Compile layout?
Is your Tabs settings the same as in the Editor? You can add Tabs by right-clicking the Ruler and remove tabs by dragging them off the Ruler…
In the Editor it’s Format > Paragraph > Tabs and Idents.
A screenshot would help. If admins can up your level, you can add screenshots…
I think you have some imported tab settings and bullet points. Deeper levels lists in Scrivener will show different bullet-points by default: open circles, and square bullets.
I think the only way to amend is to set lists to None, remove imported bullet-points, and reapply the bullets at the correct level.
You can try tbe Reset indent levels at the top of the drop-down list from the bulleted list button on the Main Toolbar, but I’m afraid that won’t work in your case.