Camp NaNo April 2021

Anyone in? I’ve done no planning, but I can’t say I’m not interested. April is a bit easier for me to manage than November. I’ve got a horror thing I’ve wanted to write for awhile.

Any interest in a Poetry and Plonk cabin?

I’m sorely tempted!

Unofficial Poetry and Plonk cabin here, then?

How is it going? I’m going to use the month to give some adrenaline to the WIP. I’m starting out with a few days of reading to remind myself of the voicing etc.

(aka more pre-writing procrastination!)

Weeeelll… :slight_smile: I’ve thought about it a few times. Does that count?

In April, everything counts! :smiley:

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts
The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts