Can I have an Invisible inter-word space character (other than a color dot) choice for Urdu font?

System: WIN10 64-bit. Scrivener (2073405)
Urdu Font: Jameel Noori Nastaleeq
Feedback: Excellent software made it much easier to write in English and Urdu. Still a few miles to go…
Issue: Turning on Invisible characters, only a tiny dot is available for space between words. In complex character font (Urdu) letters “when joined to form a word” take on various shapes depending on the word. Having only a dot to represent space makes proof reading difficult as the space dot occasionally ends up hiding behind a letter, comma, etc. (Note: The size of dot is slightly bigger if Noto Urdu Nastaliq Urdu font is chosen).
See pic Urdu_Sample_Space_Character_Scrivener.jpg

Wish: Would love to have some control over choice of type of space character (as in attached sample from software called InPage Urdu). Any unique symbol larger than a tiny dot would greatly help. Ability to define its color (say red) as well.
See Pic Urdu_Sample_Space_Character_InPage.jpg

Thank you


On the Mac, you can set the colour of invisible characters; on Windows look in File > Options > Appearance > Textual Marks > Colors > Invisible characters. This is the equivalent on Mac:

If Windows has the equivalent, clicking on the colour should bring up your colour picker to set what you want.

As for changing the marker used, I’m not a coder so have no real idea, but from what I read, InPage Urdu is a page makeup program specially developed for Arabic/Farsi/Urdu… typesetting. Scrivener just uses the textkit provided by Qt (not programmed in Windows) so it might not be possible.


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