Can’t access my project on phone or ipad

I have 3 projects that are syncing fine between my mac and my mobile devices. Now I’m trying to sync a fourth project. I saved it to the scrivener folder in drop box. I see it there. But it will not sync on my phone or iPad. It looks like they saved as .rtf files instead of .scriv but i don’t know why. Can anybody help me figure out what’s going on? I unlinked my Dropbox account and also cleared my Dropbox cache. Any thoughts on what’s going on? Thanks!!

The .rtf files are the contents of a project. Normally on a Mac you should not be seeing them.

You’re saving the project with the save location set to a LOCAL dropbox/Scrivener folder on the Mac?

Have you configured the Sync with External Folder command in the problem project? If so, don’t.