Hi all,
I have Scrivener downloaded on both my iPad and Mac desktop. I want to mostly write on my iPad but use the desktop for some editing. I see that the actual files can be synced via Dropbox, but what about the actual folders and organization? For example, if I have a folder called “Personal Essays” on my iPad, how to get that same folder on my desktop? I’m seeing two completely different iterations right now. Or is there no way to do this? TIA!
Yes, you can use Scrivener as they explain to synch between macOS and iOS. Further instructions to do so are in the iOS Tutorial, Scrivener Manual, and in Literature & Latte’s FAQ web page.
And you can use other Dropbox folders, outside the Scrivener folder structure, to do as you ask. Dropbox describes how to do this at Add Dropbox to the Files app on iPhone or iPad - Dropbox Help
Thank you, but it sounds like there’s no way for the file structure to sync. Instead, I have to create the same file structure two times on each device. Is that accurate?
Are you referring tothe file structure related to Scrivener sync? Or with Dropbox synching independant (and in another folder) from Scrivener?
What happened when you tried?
What you think may happen (based on what you write) is not what I see happening.
I have been using it on my Mac. When I loaded onto my desktop, it’s not the same organization or files. That’s my goal. I want to have File 1, 2, and 3 on my iPad, for example, and have that same organizational structure on my Mac desktop automatically.
What is “it”? From what you say, I don’t think you are using Dropbox properly.
Well I’m new and that’s why I’m here. I have been using SCRIVENER on my iPad for about a day and create a file structure there for my writing. Today I downloaded SCRIVENER to my Mac Desktop and none of that file structure shows up, it’s an empty canvas. I don’t know how to get the content and files I’ve created in the iPad SCRIVENER app to sync with my Mac desktop?
I suggest starting with our Knowledge Base article on setting up Dropbox syncing. It will give you the step-by-step process to link the Scrivener for iOS app to your Dropbox account.
From there, it also explains accessing your projects on the computer using the Dropbox desktop client and your Finder panel. (For Windows users who come along later, that’s File Explorer.)
In addition, I suggest reviewing this article on manual backups for the iOS version.
On a Windows or Mac computer, Scrivener creates a full backup of the project each time the project is closed at the end of a writing session.
However, Apple do not permit apps on their mobile devices to interact with the data in another app. That restriction prevents us from having the Scrivener app automatically back up the user’s information to the Files.app or Dropbox.app.
Since syncing is dependent on your internet connection and Dropbox, I recommend adding that manual backup process to your writing habits when working with Scrivener on a mobile device. That way, you have other ways to restore your work if there’s a error.
Yes I’ve linked my Scrivener iPad app to Dropbox. But to confirm, there’s currently NO way to have my entire Scrivener projects automatically sync between devices? That’s all I’m asking is just for a yes or no on that. I understand I can sync individual pieces of writing via Dropbox and then upload those manually on the other device. But I want to confirm that I’m not missing a way to sync the entirety of my Scrivener library between both devices?
The Dropbox syncing process does sync the entire project between the machines.
That is, a Scrivener project on the Mac looks like a single file with a .scriv extension, like this:
On my iPhone, that same list of projects looks like this:
Each of those titles is a separate Scrivener project, which has its own list of folders, files, and research materials.
I’ll also note that syncing is not instantaneous. Nor is it automatic.
In other words, a user needs to make sure that all changes have been synced with Dropbox before switching to another machine or device.
How long that will take depends on the speed of the internet connection, how much has changed in the project, and how many other demands are being made on the Dropbox servers at that time.
No. See above link to instructions. Yes, there is a way and there are instructions at the links above to explain how to do it.
Yes, you are missing a way to sync. Please read the documents linked above.
Okay I tried all the set up and I now have a Dropbox file on my Mac desktop and a Dropbox folder on my iPad in Scrivener. I’m able to see the file names showing up in my desktop Dropbox folder, however, I keep getting this error when I try to open any of them? The project at “/Users/karencosta/Dropbox/Apps/Scrivener/Ipad Scrivener Test.scriv” seems to be of an older format, but no binder.scrivproj file could be found inside it. It may be missing or corrupt, possibly because of a problem with the device on which it is stored, or because of a synchronisation problem.
Try ctrl-clicking on the project in the Finder and selecting “Show Package Contents”, then look for a file entitled ‘binder.scrivproj’. Ensure it has not been renamed by a backup routine. If it does not exist, try restoring from a backup.
The error you’re seeing is probably caused by Dropbox defaulting to “online only” for your project’s storage.
This Dropbox Support article explains the settings to change so your data is “available offline,” which could correct this issue.
Also, Dropbox has this article about their Selective Sync tools as well. Depending on if you’re using the free 2GB account or a paid account, you might need to review both articles.