Cannot change format of text pasted into Scrivener from a webpage

I copied text from a webpage and pasted it into a Scrivener text page. The formatting of the text is not what I want. I’ve tried copy formatting (Shift+Alt+Win+C) and paste formatting (Shift+Alt+Win+V). I’ve tried applying a style. Nothing so far will change the formatting of the copied text.

Copy the text from the source by highlighting the text and selecting Ctrl+C to copy and in Scrivener use Paste and Match Style (Ctrl+Shift+V). It’ll paste text, matching your formatting default.


agree, I just use Ctrl + A and Ctrl + C and then in Scrivener the paste and match style. Easier sometimes than highlighting lots of text and then strip out nonsense text/adds/intros etc.

Another thing to try, since both of the above tips wipe out all formatting, which you might not want, is to reload the project. It is a known bug (that is hard to fix) that too much formatting can paste from HTML content. It doesn’t actually get saved though, because there is no way to save it. It’s basically a disconnect between the text editor’s rendering of text and what it loads and saves to the disk. In a way the text editor can display more than what it saves, or can even manipulate.

So by reloading, it pulls only what it can actually work with.

It might not work, but it’s worth a try.

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Thanks Amber. And what does it mean to “reload” a Project?

Nothing fancy! It’s the same thing you would do to reload a PDF in Acrobat Reader, or a DOCX in Word. You close it, then you load it.

It worked Amber. Thanks!

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Ctrl-Shift-V works beautifully! Thanks!