Cannot open files imported from Scapple

I just upgraded from a MacBook Air (2015) to a New MacBook Pro M4Pro. I could import and open files on the MacBook Air Scrivener App, but I cannot open files imported from Scapple in the New MacBook Pro. DOCX and XLSX files open, no problem there. Only files being imported from Scapple will not open.

Just recently, I, too, moved from an Air to a Mac Pro. No issues.

But maybe I do not understand.

When you say ā€œimportā€ do you mean you are importing one Scrivener project into another Scrivener project using File/Import/Scrivener Project using files which reside on the MacBook Air?

I have not been able to locate an option to import Scapple files into other Scapple files. Do you mean you canā€™t import a Scapple file into a Scrivener file?

In Scrivener, using Files/Import/Files works to import Scapple files into Scrivener projects for me.

Those imported Scapple files do not open for me, either, but they are not Scrivener projects. To get the text from one such file into a project, I cut and paste from Scapple.

Exporting Scapple files which were imported into Scrivener first export, and open in Scapple just fine.

Do you mean that when you import Scapple files into Scrivener, they cannot be opened? Is your problem like this: Imported Scapple board isn't displayed ?

Sorry for the confusion. I posted the question before reviewing it.

When I bought the new MacBook Pro, I transferred everything from my old MacBook Air to the new MacBook Pro using Appleā€™s activation software. Everything worked on my new MacBook Pro, including Scrivener, or so it seemed.

Yesterday, I created a new Scapple file (board?) which I imported into the Scrivener project Iā€™ve been working on. The Binder says the file is there under ā€œNotes", but I cannot see the contents in the Editor. In addition, I had created several other files in Scapple that were imported into the same Scrivener project under Notes when everything was on the old MacBook Air and I could see those files (Scapple boards) in the Editor. However, when I tried to look at those same files now that Scrivener is on my MacBook Pro, all I can see is the Scapple Logo in the Editor.

I have screenshots I can email to you, unless thereā€™s a way to download them here.

What versions of Scrivener and Scapple do you have? If you transferred your existing installation, thereā€™s a good chance that you have an older version and need to update for compatibility with your new system.

Note that it has never been possible to edit a Scapple board directly in Scrivener. See Section 9.5 in the Scapple manual for the integration options and expected behavior.

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Iā€™m new to Scrivener and Scapple, started using Scrivener in December 2024, so I have a lot to learn.

Scrivener is Version 3.4, Scapple is Version 1.4.2. Both show as being current and up-to-date.

I am only trying to view the Scapple boards in Scrivener. I learned that you can only view an imported file, not open it, in the Editor early on.

I have imported ~.pdf, ~.docx, ~.xlsx, and ~.txt files into the project. I can see the contents of all the files with these extensions in the Editor. I cannot see the contents of Scapple documents (~.scap) in the editor.

Maybe Iā€™ve misunderstood, but I do this almost every day - ā€œImport Research File as Aliasā€ to a folder under the main Research folder.

This ā€˜Scap Mapā€™ folder has all of my Scapple outlines and doodles relevant to the main project. An indispensable way of working for my untidy mind.

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Scrivener actually converts .docx and .txt files to its native format, and has a built-in PDF viewer. For Scapple, it depends on the Mac OS Quick Look preview.

If you locate the board in Finder, right-click, and choose the Quick Look option, what do you see?

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As a note, Quick Look on the latest macOS isnā€™t expected to work, as Apple has changed how this works (again). If it doesnā€™t work when you select the .scap in Finder and press Spacebar, it canā€™t be expected to work in Scrivener eitherā€”both use the same engine. An upcoming update will fix that. Weā€™re in the final stages of getting that ready, so keep an eye out for updates.


I missed the part about the Quick View. All I see in Quick View is the file name and the Scapple Logo.

I also read Amberā€™s comment about the Apple changing how it works. So, Iā€™ll convert the files to PDF and import them that way until I receive the updates.

Thank you the help.