Can't eliminate first paragraph indent

I go to Compile and select my layout. I then select the Scene Section within Section Layouts. I select the Settings tab and click the radio button that says Remove from first paragraph. I then compile. When I look at my Word document, only the first paragraph of Chapter 2 is correct. All other chapters have indented first paragraphs. Nothing is different in how the other chapters are composed. I did look at previous posts on the subject but couldn’t find an answer that resolved my issue. Any ideas? I’m using version 3.4 (16639)


Are the chapters separate items in Scrivener’s Binder?

Do the chapters all have the same Section Type applied?

Are the chapters indented with indents, or with tabs? (Use the View → Text Editing → Show Invisibles command to see tabs in the Scrivener Editor.)

Are the chapters separate items in Scrivener’s Binder? The chapters are set up as folders. Each folder is a chapter. A text file in the chapter is a scene. Usually there is only one text file per chapter, but sometimes there might be two, if a tiime lapse occurs within the scene.

Do the chapters all have the same Section Type applied? Yes

Are the chapters indented with indents, or with tabs? When I hit enter to start a new paragraph, the indentation is below the T in the ruler. I’m not sure if the T is for tab or if the arrow heads in the ruller represent a tabs.

You can see actual tab characters in the text if invisibles are shown in the Editor.

I’d be happy to look at the project directly. Please open a support ticket, here, and reference this thread:
You can email a project by using the File → Backup → Backup To command, and checking the box to create a ZIP backup.

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Thanks for taking a look. There are no tab characters in the text when I turn invisibles on. I emailed the zip file as well as my compile format to: with the subject line: Can’t eliminate first paragraph indent (Conversation from forum)
