Can't save to any location

After using scrivener for two years now, I suddenly am unable to save or back up to any location I choose. It tells me its because I can’t save to a scrivener folder but I am not.

I have checked my windows antivirus settings that I am not seeing anything that is showing its blocking scrivener.

What happens is that when I force a back up it will give me an error and then it saves to a local/temp file location on my computer (compared to a cloud drive which is where I usually have it stored). And then when I try and save it normally it will be updated on this computer but it won’t be on the other computer I use (which is linux if that means anything).

I haven’t had any issues with this set up until now.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Please do this:

  1. From File > Options > Appearance > General Interface, make sure “Show full project path in the title bar” is checked

  2. Tell us the full path that you see in the upper left corner of Scrivener’s title bar. It will look something like this:


Something else that would be helpful to know is from File > Options > Backup: What is the path specified in “Backup location”?

Telling us these paths will provide some clues.
