Carl Hiaasen?

Any Hiaasen fans here? I was raised in South Forida so I got to follow his writing pretty up close. I “know” the places he mentions in his novels and remember the “real story” that inspired many of the characters and incidents in his books, so maybe I am less than impartial. I think he is very funny and enjoyable albeit a bit preachy. Anyone else readhis stuff?

Not to disappoint you, but there is no Carl Hiaasen. That is the pen name used by Dave Barry and Elmore Leonard who meet occasionally on an island off the coast of Souith Carolina, where they invoke the spirit of Mickey Spillane, and in a trance-like state write “Carl Hiaasen” books.


Kinda like Tony Clifton? Who do they use for appearances? Someone signed my book, who damm!t!?!
I covered soccer game sin South Florida for a while and worked along side Barry’s wife, Michelle Kaufmann. She has great stories about dinner parties which have included Stephen King, Matt Groening, Leonard, Hiaasen, Edna Buchanan, among others…

I’m sure Carl Hiaasen finds it news that he doesn’t exist. He does in fact exist and writes for the Miami Herald. Dave Barry is a friend of his but Carl wasn’t and isn’t a creation of Dave Barry.

Dear lost,

PJS has a great sense of humor and on this occasion he was pulling your leg.
He knows that Hiaasen exists; it’s Dave Barry that has long been MIA.
And is much missed.
My partner and I are Hiaasen fans, though in our hearts he will never replace R. B. Parker.

Welcome to the forum,


Just to get back to the original question, yes, there are Hiaasen fans out here! I have been a fan ever since his first novel, Tourist Season. There are few, if any, writers who make me burst out laughing at any time, but I find myself laughing out loud continually when I read one of Carl’s novels. I also share his sensibilities regarding developers and the environment.

My only quibble with him is he is not prolific enough!


Another fan. Good journalism. Great novels. Too few of them. Write faster, Carl Hiaasen!

Awesome! Great to see he has fans outside of the South Florida area. I no longer live there, but I enjoyed reading the books and “knowing” where he got his material from. Yes, Florida is pretty much the way he writes it!!

This may be reopening an old wound, but I am also a fan. Star Island came out a month or so back, for any who missed this new entry!

No problem, I’ll talk Hiaasen anytime! I live in Brazil so I haven’t picked up Star Island yet, but will on my next visit back.

Unfortunately, I had that book read about a day after it appeared on the shelves of my local bookstore… I say unfortunately, because now I’ll probably have to wait another two years until his next book.

But Star Island was a lot of fun, and we even got to know Skink a little better!


I asked him about Skink once when I saw him around town (I used to live in Miami) and he said he was surprised how much people reacted/ liked Skink. He claims he never planned to “reuse” him as much as he did.

Well, I think there’s something about Skink that resonates with a lot of us. I won’t say more about that, as new readers may wish to discover that for themselves.


You can see “changes” in him if you read the books in order. Hiaasen has developed him nicely. Also the main character from “Sick Puppy” looks to be a replacement for him should Skink ever meet his demise.

Wanted to bump this and ask:
any new people on the board fans?

opinions on his last effort, Star Island?

Love him to death, he makes me laugh, but adverbs drive me nuts …

I’d not heard of him until I read this post. What would be a good book of his to read first?

Native Tongue is on of my favorites. Tourist Season is also excellent. If you are into bass fishing Double Whammy is a good pick. You gotta be really cynical. And a heads up, Florida, especially South Florida really is the way he portrays it.

I picked up Star Island last night in hardback (it’s the only one the bookshop had), so you can credit this post with one sale, at least!

DO NOT drink coffee or any other liquid… take it from me, firsthand experience, you are liable to burst out laughing and spit up all over the place…

Just ordered CH’s Omnibus: 'Tourist Season; Double Whammy; Skin Tiight. If it’s rubbish, Ill be sending one of you lot the bill.
Talking about ‘funny’, I’ve just started ‘Middlmarch’ by George Eliot. I’ve only read the first few paged and I haven’t stopped smiling/laughing. If CH is half as funny, you can relax about the bill.
Take care