Changing appearance of composition mode control strip

First, thanks to everyone on this thread. You all helped me get started with customizing my first Scrivener 3 (Windows) theme. :raised_hands:t4:

Second, I’m struggling a bit changing the background of the bottom menu bar in Composition Mode and is curious if someone could point me in the direction?

1 - Confirming I should be working in the .qss file to alter this piece and…
2 - Not sure which value I need to be adjusting. Here’s where I could use your expertise! Still going to play around with it and see if I can figure it out in the meantime, but your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, the QSS is the one place to change the bottom menu bar in Composition Mode.
A similar question was asked not so long ago on the r/Scrivener Reddit.
The only thing that you can do that I know works is to set the Window color in the PAL-file, but that will affect other parts of your Thema as well… Setting the color of the
SCRCompositeViewTools background to Red results in a Transparent background. (go figure…)

SCRCompositeViewTools {
   background-color: red;
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