[Changing] Folders levels

I am having difficulty with the folder levels in the binder. I can’t move them to the level I want with drag-and-drop. Could anyone offer advice? Thank you!

What happens when you attempt it?

Simply put, each ‘level’ in your binder needs to be contained within another item, so you need to ‘drop’ your items (text or folders) into/onto the next highest level.

Your draft or manuscript folder is THE upper level folder (The name can vary depending on the project template you use, or if you renamed it.) Generally, everything you plan to publish/compile should be “inside” this folder. (You may have ‘stuff’ out side the draft folder, but it is generally not stuff that would be included with your book. You would in this case create the upper level folder outside your draft folder manually)

To use a calendar as an example:
You would drop “year” items (text or folders) into the draft folder, then you would drop a set of months into each year, then a set of days into each month, then events into the days.

This would give you a binder with 5 levels and a setup of:

  • Draft/Manuscript (the upper level on the left margin)
    • Year 2023
      • Jan
        • 1st
          • Event
        • 2nd
          • Event
      • Feb
        • 1st
          • Event
        • 2nd
          • Event
    • Year 2024

As you can see, the draft is the upper level, the years, months, days and events are all aligned under each other.

Edit - this could also be parts, chapters, scenes and sub-scenes - whatever you wish. :wink:


Refer to §6.3.4, Moving and Copying Things Around, in the user manual PDF. Using the mouse to drag and drop is but one of several ways to move items in the binder, and there are multiple ways to drag and drop, as well that might be simpler than what you are trying.


And don’t forget to add the left-, right,- up- and down-buttons on your Main Toolbar to correct slightly mis-dragged items. :wink: