So I will admit to feeling like a total idiot at this point. I have spent hours on this board and doing experiments, and I just can’t figure this out.
I am trying to adjust some fonts in the compiler. In my manuscript, I have a kid trying to decipher bits of ancient text. I have a custom font for those bits of ancient text. When I compile, everything gets converted to Times New Roman (which, admittedly makes deciphering said ancient text far easier–Scrivener compiler does all the work for my protagonist!)
I set up an Ancient Text Style in the main body of the manuscript. I created a custom format in the compiler based on Manuscript (Times). In the Style section, I added the Ancient Text Style, which I set up as a Character Style (not Paragraph or Paragraph+Character). In that Ancient Text Style, I select my AncientFont and click the checkbox Includes font family.
I then compile to PDF, Word, and/or print, and everything gets converted to Times New Roman. I can tell the compiler to use Courier 18 pt font (instead of my AncientFont), and it will convert stuff to 18 pt font, but it keeps it as TNR–it won’t convert to Courier.
I have a Block Quote in my manuscript, so playing around, I changed that to Courier 18pt font. Again, it converts to 18 pt and bold and whatever, but again TNR and not Courier.
Now, if I set Preserve Formatting in my manuscript body, it does preserve formatting–I get the AncientFont when I compile. But that also preserves tab settings and what-have you. So if compile with Preserve Formatting and my paragaph starts with the AncientText stuff, the tab sets come out screwy. I could hard code the computer screen tab sets to look like the final paper settings and just accept that, except I also have this Ancient Font stuff in block quotes as well. It would be a mess.
It’s a mess that would all get solved if I could figure out how to make the compiler spit out the font of my choice for a particular style, which I know it is supposed to be able to do it. I can see that it is supposed to do that. And it looks soooo easy. And yet… I am at a total loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am using Scrivener 3.4 on Mac OS Sequoia.