KB: I whole-heartedy agree that Scrivener should not include a built-in citation manager per se, the sheer number and variety of citation styles would make it insane for L&L to even try. However a citation assist feature is what I am hoping for.
Allow me to explain my usage and see if that helps it make sense what I need/want, as well as perhaps what other people would want/need.
SUGGESTION: a special sticky Wish List thread could be started asking for other folks to outline their work flows with regards to Scrivener & citations and from that list a better picture could emerge.
I am a sophomore undergrad student which among other things means that I am taking a range of general education requirement classes in multiple disciplines, each of which uses a preferred citation style: Psychology classes use APA, History classes use CMS, and English classes use MLA. Personally I use citation assistance software because trying to keep all those citation formats in my head would be insane when I really need to focus on the substance of the material using the citations.
The citation software I use is StyleEase (I purchased all three versions since I have to use all three styles). SE is a Word add-on that is like a fill-in-the-blanks wizard on steroids. I go to the point in the paper where I need a citation, click on the SE menu and select the type of reference material (book, journal, web, etc) I am citing. A wizard pops up and with a minimal number of keystrokes and voila! I have a perfectly formatted citation with footnotes and/or a bibliography page. To date I have written about 30 papers and not once have I had an instructor downgrade me on my citations (though one did try but when we looked in the style manual she admitted she was wrong).
To see a very quick video that shows SE in action click this link:
Now SE is not magic and it has flaws. To avoid certain problems I wait until I am done writing the final version of my paper before I activate SE. Instead I use my own personal pseudo-cite placeholder tags like [[brown, p. 22-23]] or [[reference.etc/article]]. ( Sorry, [[wikipedia]] has corrupted me.
) When I am ready to insert my citations I activate SE and do a find for “[[” and then add my reference data (SE has a database that allows me to reuse existing references with just a couple of mouse clicks).
When I discovered Scrivener a couple of weeks ago it was a perfect match for my paper writing workflow. I could clearly see myself using it to write/reorganize/etc and I dreamed of replacing my [[placeholder]] tags with more detailed Comments/Footnotes/Annotations. But as I explored the software I found it would not work as I hoped…
[]Comments export to Word as a separate file and so I would have to continue to use [[placeholder]] tags. Other than excerpted quotes there is little added advantage to using Comments and there is a slight risk of using the wrong Comment for a given citation since they are not visually linked.[/]
[]Footnotes compete with the StyleEase software when it is also trying to add footnotes. Plus I have to delete all the Scrivener generated footnotes manually. Very messy and kludgy.[/]
[]Annotations in Word are ideal as they can easily be seen off-sides when using StyleEase, but the problem with Annotations is they clutter up the main text in Scrivener and break the reading flow.[/]
Thus my wishlist item merging the three into a new feature.
As far as what the new Citation Cards would contain, let the users decide that. Give them a templating feature and let them decide what blanks they want to fill in. Some may just use freeform while others might want the basics like title, date, page, etc…
For example a citation card might have a simple template as follows:
AUTHOR: Lastname, Firstname <-- default/hint text
DATE: YYYY <-- default/hint text
and look like this: ![library-catalog-cards-EDITED.png](https://dev.literatureandlatte.com/uploads/default/original/2X/2/25edc5a248ad8a177a681bce8a71471a2ff5d4df.png)
Note that the first line in the card would become the inline text in the exported RTF. Ideally the user would type some kind of a reference tag, highlight the tag, then press something like CTRL+SHIFT+R (for Reference if that key-combo is available) to create the card with the highlighted text becoming the card name. This would support those writers who use software like Magic Citations/Papers2/BibText/etc.
If a writer uses the same card name again, a new card with a link to the first card would be created. In the event of a nearly identical citation such as everything being the same except page numbers, a free form field would be available after the link to indicate the differences.
All template field names start on position 1 of a line and end with the first colon character encountered and any text after that would be used to pre-populate the field even if it contained colons. All template field records end with a carriage return/line feed. Any template field that starts with FFTEXT would have no title/keyword. Duplicate field names are ok. This is not a DBMS system, just citation notes.
Hopefully the user could travel from field to field using the tab (shift tab for backwards movement) key.
Based on certain export settings the data from the card would end up in Word with the redbox used slightly differently. The following list of settings would be set to NO by default…
Omits all unused fields including empty freeform text fields. Caution: fields with pre-populated default text would not be considered empty.
COMPRESS FIELDS # XX <a series of checkboxes, one per field> = YES/NO
This would always omit the selected fields from export even if not empty. Useful for suppressing freeform text fields.
Omits all KEYWORD: titles, only VALUES are exported.
This last option would strip all line feeds (CR/LF) between keyword fields during export and replace them with a single character (examples might be SPACE, TAB, SEMICOLON, etc). The resulting export would have one line for all keyword fields. The freeform text fields would be unaffected by this option.
Well that is about it for my idea. I hope it helps you understand the issue better. Sorry I was so long but hey, you know us writers we love words!