"Clip to Scrivener"

Ever since I stopped using Evernote, I’ve been looking for a great web-clipping utility. I have a Chrome add-on called Clearly, (free or $10 for Premium) with an interesting Export / Clip function, with the following options. Wondering if any of these could be used to clip to Scrivener for Mac …

Export to / Copy as
Export to
Print / Export PDF
MP3 (AI Speech)
Copy as
Rich text
Send as
Disable Export Footer

Rich text is Scrivener’s native format, so that’s the one I would pick.

Thanks for that. Do you know if there’s a way to clip automatically to a given Project?

On MacOS, the specific project has to be open. Then, using Safari (doesn’t work in other browsers; I just checked with Vivaldi) go to Safari----->Settings----->Scrivener: Make New Clipping.

There’s also Scrivener: Make New Clipping (Unformatted)

You may also want to look into: Scrivener as Web Clipper


Using Scrivener to store random ideas and notes


fyi, it works with Firefox.

Another way to do this is via PopClip – a macOS app I couldn’t live without, ymmv. It has a Scrivener extension.


This tool looks pretty nifty! What are the most common usages you have for it? I’m bad about adding things like this and forgetting about them, haha.

PopClip is more than nifty. Useful. Handy. Dependant on it. Lots of possibilities, and more than I exploit. Common uses for me when selecting text:

  • highlight
  • clip to Scrivener clippings
  • search with a search engine (I usually use Google)
  • show location in maps (I usually use Google Maps)
  • if book title or author selected, show the book in Amazon
  • when writing, use tools to change case,
  • paste as task into Reminders
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I guess I’ve been sleeping under a rock because I haven’t heard of this! Well great, add it to cart.

Most common usages of PopClip?

For me, looking at its wee selector:

  • Web search: I have Google and DDG set
  • Copy: used heavily in conjunction with Maccy, a free clipboard manager. A fabulous combination when editing in Scrivener – at least the way I edit.
  • Wikipedia
  • Goodreads: I wrote the extension for that \o/
  • Amazon: I don’t buy from them, but use it for sample pages before I buy (or not) somewhere else.
  • Google translate: I read a few languages, none of them perfectly :wink:
  • Dictionary: mainly to then use the thesaurus
  • Google Maps
  • Clip to: Notes, Obsidian, and Scrivener
  • I also have a few extensions that I switch on as required: Capitalise word; Join lines, and a few others.

I only have three login apps: PopClip, Maccy, and Moom. I’d miss any one of them, but if I had to choose only one, it would be PopClip.