Closes after 17 seconds

Thanks for the feedback, SimWriter. Does the HighDPI 32bit version crash on your system too, on only the 64 bit?

Sorry,Tiho. Just uninstalled 64 bit and installed 32 bit - same problem I’m afraid.

Best of luck!

Thanks, SimWriter!

For me it began after an automatic update. But the first thing I tried was an uninstall/reinstall of the 64-bit version, and it made no difference. Still a consistent crash.

I’m having this issue as well. I had to do a download install because I missed the window to do the auto update. I’m using the 64-bit version. I haven’t been uninstalling any of them as I go along, so that could be part of it. Non HiDPI version.

This also happens for me. If, during the short time I’ve got with 64 version open, I go to “check for update” within the program, it will automatically shut it down. otherwise it closes the program in 15-30 seconds. I’ve downloaded 32bit and it seems to be working fine. Hasn’t shut down yet at least and it’s been a good 10mins.

When I first went to download the update I got a new message from Windows Defender that I haven’t seen before. It warned me about the install and did not want me to run the program. I had to go through a couple extra clicks to get it to run anyway. My theory is that either Mcafee or Windows Defender don’t like this new update for some reason or are reading it as malware or something and closing it out. I poked around both for awhile trying to change some things but nothing helped.

Aaaaannnndd… now the 32 bit version is crashing for me, exactly the same as the 64. AFAIK, the only change in my system since the last time I booted Scrivener was the Win10 update that got pushed on Tuesday.

I doubt Defender is my issue, as I have most Defender features turned off in favor of using Malwarebytes. Disabling MB altogether does not seem to resolve the problem.

Edit: one thing I have noticed. If I click Help/Check for Updates before the crash happens naturally, the crash happens immediately. So it appears to be something directly related to the update check.

Crash upon manual update is a promising clue. Could you please disable the automatic check for auto-update in the Options and try again.

A little tricky to do in the 15-20 second window, but after a few tries I managed it. That seems to have stopped the crash for me on the 32-bit RC13. Five minutes later and everything is still up and working.

You have 20 seconds to change the Option. You could also disconnect from the Network, which will also disable the auto-update and give you more time to change the auto-update interval.

Hi Tiho and Greslin

Great spot!. I disconnected from the network and turned off the automatic update check as suggested. I can now succesfully use the 64 Bit Hidpi version. I have yet to work up the necessary enthusiasm to also try the 32 bit version. Ta muchly!


Hi Guys, we are happy that disabling the Network and disabling the auto-update feature fixes the problem for you, but unfortunately we still cannot reproduce the problem to provide a reliable fix.
We found something that might be causing the crash, but will need your assistance to verify that it works and does not crash on your computers:

Please, download and test the new Scrivener installers provided from the following Dropbox links: (64-bit) | (32-bit)

After installing the new version try Help > Check for Updates. You should get a message showing that there is no newer version, without a crash. Thank You!

In my case, all it does is drastically shorten the amount of time the program runs before crashing.

Edited to add that reverting to the 32-bit version that’s on the original download for Beta 13 solves the problem; that runs and stays running.

Confirmed here. New RC13 Dropbox beta, 32 bit version. Installs normally, “Check for updates” returns a normal “no update” popup with no crash. I turned the automatic update feature back on, restarted, loads normally with no crash now.

(Have not tested the 64-bit version. I suspect something different is going on there - the 32 bit version was working fine for me until the latest Win10 push update, but I’d switched to the 32 because the 64 was crashing.)

Hi Tiho,

I downloaded the 2,9.9.13 64 bit version and installed. This crashed out on first running. I had to disconnect from the network and turn off the automatic check for updates. This enabled me to reconnect to the network and run okay. Then Manually selecting Help “check for updates” closed Scrivener immediately.

Checking for updates seems to be the cause of problems for the 64 bit version - at least in my setup.


One more test, guys. If you experience a crash with the newly downloaded Dropbox version, disable auto update and try the following. Import and open any web page within Scrivener. Use File > Import Web page(make sure the Research folder is selected and use any web page URL). Try loading the newly created web document. Do you get a crash upon loading the web page?

Thank you for your help tracing this bug!

I do not get a crash on the Dropbox RC13 32-bit. Imported to Research and it worked just fine. (I’m not currently getting any crashes whatsoever on the 32-bit version.)


Imported a web page into the 64 bit version without problem. Then navigated to a text section in the manuscript then closed scrivener. Repened Scrivener and navigated to the imported web page in the Research Folder. It opened just fine. No crash.


For what it’s worth, I’m not crashing, but I’m not getting the update dialogue when checking for an update, either. (This is on both the prior version and rc 13, both 64-bit.)

On my system Win 10 64 bit scrivener was failing as Defender was not allowing the autosave feature.
Giving Defender the correct permissions for the file worked fine.
(Avast then followed by throwing out the same error - again by giving it permission Scrivener worked fine)