Cloud service: Sync

Hello fellow Scriveners. I’m just starting out. I use a cloud service called Sync I haven’t been able to find any information about whether Sync recognises package files, which seems to be essential. Does anyone have any experience using Sync with Scrivener? Is it as viable as Dropbox for working across computers?

If iOS Scrivener is not involved it should be okay with the usual cloud caveats.

Ensure all syncing completed, Scrivener closed etc before changing computers.

Pretty much any cloud service is fine for .zip backups.


Here is a checklist for evaluating synchronisation services. If it passes those tests, you should be all right.

That said, if you search around on the forum, you should find this one has already been discussed. Here is one recent thread.

I would also briefly add that if a sync service needs to recognise packages (or has disclaimers about how it doesn’t “support them”), it’s suspect, and probably over-complicating things (but sometimes, perhaps oftentimes, it’s case of a FAQ writer with an inadequate understanding of the tech). There is no such thing as a package, from the perspective of such technology. It is nothing but a folder with files in it, and if the sync service can’t sync that safely—move on to the next one, because that’s a huge problem.

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