Compile Cut Off - still?

Running Scrivener 3 on Windows. Just made a trivial project with Chapter 1 containing three sections on fruit. Made Chapter 2 with three sections on vegetables. Then I compiled to Non-Fiction Manuscript (Times). Structured as “Structure Based”. All entities are selected.

Compiled for Print.
Chapter 2 shows but then none of the three sections in Chapter 2 are showing up. Cut off. Why?

Compiled for PDF
Chapter 2 shows and all three sections in Chapter 2 are now showing up. Not cut off.

Am I reading right that this bug has been around since 2021?
Is the answer to bugs to simply work around and not expect to see fixes to reported bugs?

I have seen a number of other funky things up that don’t seem right.
I’m really new to this product and I’m trying to decide the extent of user support. Trying to decide whether it’s worth my time to invest in learning this product. Is this product mature?

Thanks for any insights.

Compiling to Print has some issues. We usually compile to PDF, and print that. Or Word or LibreOffice, or ePub3 or RTF or Plain text.

If you think the text in the Editor will compile looking exactly the same, think again. The compile can update the source text in countless ways.

This product is very mature.