Compile for word docx. How do you compile different margins on the same page?

I produce documents with the following layout

Margin left and right 3cm - text occupies full width 21cm - 6cm = 15 cm. Layout section = full text

Margin left and right 6cm - text occupies the width 21cm - 12cm = 9cm. Layout section = narrow text

Normally I create a sub-scene for each section and then apply the layout as required:

Xxxxxx. Full text

Xxxxxx. Narrow text

Xxxxxx. Full text

And so on

The problem is a real scene is split into lots of sub scenes. Is this the best way to do it? I know I could use styles but unsure how I can map a scrivener style to a word style. My publish requires manuscripts in word docx.

Also the right margins will not respect a different value other than the original 3cm margin.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Michael.

“Margins” define the placement of the text box within the physical page. Scrivener only supports one set of margins per document.

“Indents” define the placement of the text within the text box. You can change indents on a per-paragraph basis if desired. See Section 15.7.1 in the manual.

Once you’ve defined the formatting you want, you can use it to define a Style. For indents and other paragraph-level formatting, you’ll want to use a paragraph Style. Please read at least the beginning of Chapter 17 in the manual, as Scrivener styles don’t work quite the same as Word styles.

Mapping to Word styles is pretty straightforward and is done by the Compile command. Please read in particular Section 24.5, on the interaction between Editor Styles and Compile Formats.

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