Compile to PDF format problems

I have compiled my latest project to PDF so that I can use a custom interior format on my paperback. When I upload to Draft2Digital, they are giving me this message: Unable to convert to PDF/X-1a - Error fixing pdf: Errors 307 Scaling factor used.

I have no idea what is going wrong. I used the same exact settings on this PDF that I used on my last two books with no issue. Any suggestions? Thanks!

In the PDF Settings tab of the Compile Format editor, there’s a “Convert to PDF/X-1a” option. Is that checked? If not, does checking it help?

(If you don’t have that option, what version of Scrivener do you have and on what platform?)

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I’m on the latest Windows version of the software. That’s where I do most of my heavy lifting on Scrivener. Thanks for your response. I’ll check that setting.

I just double-checked–I’m on Windows V.… but I do not see any where within the Compile format editor where I have the option to select the “Convert to PDF/X-1a” option.

So I did get an explanation from Draft2Digital regarding the problem with my PDF. It compiled with an RGB color profile and that appears to have triggered Ingram to identify multiple problems on every single page of my document. The Windows version of Scrivener does not give me options for either PDF file types or color parameters so how am I supposed to fix that?

I don’t understand what changed because my previous two books went through with no problems.

I think in most cases where one is self-publishing a PDF, a copy of Adobe Acrobat Pro is a good investment. That said I wouldn’t want to use the PDF Scrivener creates for anything that is going to print. It isn’t really meant for that; more a proofing tool. The problem isn’t just with its format or colour settings, which can converted in a tool like Acrobat, but the typesetting itself is quite rough.

Compiling to a word processing format and using that as source in a better layout program will give you better starting results, even if you do still need Acrobat to finalise it.

I don’t understand what changed because my previous two books went through with no problems.

It’s probably something on their end. Maybe they are being stricter now?

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