Compiling for Kindle for Beta Readers

Hi, I’m sure this is explained in the manual, but I find the 918 pages very overwhelming! What I want to do feels like it should be very simple, so I hope someone can help.

I’ve written a short novel. It takes place over four days and I want the novel divided into four parts - each part having a whole page displaying that day’s date.

Inside each of these parts I have several chapters. I’d like the chapters to start on a new page with “one” “two” and so on.

I used the Scrivener Fiction > Novel template.

In the binder panel I have Manuscript and inside this I have four folders, one for each day. I have titled each folder with the date “Friday 17th May”, then “Saturday 18th May” and so on. I have set these, under ‘Section Type’, to be “Part Heading”

Inside each of these folders I have several text documents (the icon of a sheet of paper with lines on). I have named these “one”, “two”, “three” and so on. Under ‘Section Type’, I’ve set these as “Chapter”.

When I compile I’ve used the .epub default (I couldn’t get the .mobi to work on my “send to Kindle” page.) I’ve ticked all the folders and text documents I want to be compiled.

Having successfully sent the file to my Kindle, I get:

A contents page that only has 4 of my 12 chapters… these four chapters all correspond to the first text document of each folder inside the Binder pane.

There is no page in the kindle book with the part - “Friday 17th May” - displayed.

Can anyone help? Please! Desperate to get this to my beta readers. Happy to be sent to a video or tutorial, but I’m finding the manual too complicated.

I thought it might say this, but I’m using the Mac version 3.3.6 on Mac running Sonama 14.6.1

Check the Contents tab in the right-hand pane of the main Compile screen to make sure all the documents you want are actually included.

Check the Section Layout assignments in the center pane of the main Compile screen to make sure you’ve assigned layouts that actually include what you want to include. (For instance, make sure the layout includes both the section title and the text if that’s what you want.)

The manual is pretty comprehensive, but if you don’t want to dive in I’d definitely advise looking at the section on the Compile command in the Interactive Tutorial, available from the Help menu. We also have a collection of video tutorials here:

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Got all the documents ticked, but thanks, I hadn’t seen the videos. I’ll check them out