Composition Mode: black on grey

I have Scrivener running in Linux Mind Debian Edition via Lutris, and when I switch to Composition mode, I get black text on a dark grey background. Anyone have any idea how to fix that (other than manually altering the text colour, of course).

Usually don’t log in, but three days and no answer?
If you haven’t found it already, look in the Windows section. The short answer:

Open the options window, click on “appearance” at the top, click on “composition mode” in the side-bar, then “colors”. Adjust the colors anyway you want; it won’t affect the colors in the rest of the program.

For most things, running Scrivener under Wine is the same as for Windows, at least as far as options are concerned.

That’s embarrassingly simple. I assumed it was a Wine problem. I am, very often, just smart enough about this stuff to be quite dumb.

Note that questions about Scrivener for Windows functionality can be posted in the Scrivener for Windows forum, even if you’re actually running under Wine. That forum gets quite a bit more traffic.

Really the only Linux-specific issues you’re likely to run into concern installation, activation, and file saving/permissions. Once you’ve got Scrivener running its behavior should be pretty independent of the underlying OS.

Good point. Will do.