I completed my manuscript in Scrivener and love it! After selecting an editor, I sent her the .scriv file. She marked it up in Revision Mode and left comments. We have tried everything but I have found 2 issues:
Reformatting my book with a different font and wider margins to plain text. It would take forever to reformat.
MOST CONCERNING: I can’t see the notes. I see the blue linked text that I should be able to click on to see the notes but there is nothing in the notes area when I do so.
I downloaded a folder and then I noticed it converted everything into a new .scriv file, which is kinda cool. But no notes and the formatting is still completely different.
Any help would be appreciated. The only solution we are able to find is to export to a .docx file. But that doesn’t make sense. Why would Scrivener want me to take it into Word, edit it then completely cut out the app?
Did she leave notes or comments? They are two different features and appear in two different places. (Both are in the Inspector sidebar. Check the “Comments” tab.)
But why would it reformat in the first place. I lost all italics, my fonts, sizing, everything. Seems like a serious deficiency so I highly doubt it’s planned behaviour.
And yes, she left comments. I see where the comments are in the text but when I click on the link, the comment is gone. In the Word export, I can click on it and see the comment.
We got the notes to show but the text formatting is still now plain text, Courier New. I can see on her end that it’s all formatted correctly but any file she sends me is Courier New PT.
On my original file: Titles are Title, body is No Style, Palatino 28 and 13. Same with hers. On the copy she returned to me, Titles are Title, body is No Style, Courier 13 (and I’ve lost any bold or italic formatting.