Contacting L&L

Hello. I’ve emailed the mac and windows support emails at least six times now - over the course of about three weeks - and still not had a reply. Is this company still functioning? Any idea how I can get a response from them?

Hi Matt1, and welcome to the forum.

When you emailed support, did you get the auto-generated reply?

You should have received the auto-reply, which confirmed that your request was received and queued.

I ask because I see no help requests in the queue from the email you’re using here on the forum.


When I contacted you through your online form, I got some kind of bounce message (can’t remember the specifics) so I then jsut emailed using the addresses provided. I emailed the Mac address about four times, and after no resposne I emailed the windows address once or twice - all from this email address.

sorry - no, i didn’t get the auto reply form the emails.

I’ve just sent an invitation from the TenderApp Support page to your email. You can use that invitation to set up an account for submitting help requests.

Alternatively, you can try the one more time. I’ll watch for your message.

If you email again and do not receive the auto-reply, you can also click on my user handle here and send me a personal note.

Hi Ruth

I got the invitation, but when I try to log in, my browser (Firefox) is saying it’s an insecure webpage, and it won’t provide the automated password: so I clicked on request new password, and it’s saying my email address isn’t recognised! (the one you sent the invitation to). I tried to email again - still no auto reply; and then I tried to contact you directly but I can’t see any way to do that from clicking on your handle.

Anyway, my query is this:: I have two Scrivener licenses already, for Mac and iOS, but I’m now using a windows computer a lot: so, can I retrospectively add a windows licence to my Mac licence to get the bundle?



Just realised I need a different account for the invitation you sent. Have set one up now but maybe you can jsut reply here?

Hi Matt. It’s odd Firefox is giving you issues with the help-desk website. That’s the browser I use all day when I’m working help tickets.

Anyway, to answer your question:

Yes, we do offer a cross-grade discount on the Windows license if you already have the macOS license.

Here’s our webstore page on cross-grading your license.

You might also find this Knowledge Base article about working on two platforms helpful. The appearance of the Scrivener project on the PC is a bit different than the macOS, so reviewing that could be helpful.

Since you’re already working with the macOS version and the iOS version, you’re likely already using a cloud-syncing service like Dropbox.

One item you might not know about is the manual iOS backup steps, which can help protect your work on your iOS device.

Since Apple do not permit apps on their mobile devices to interact with the data in another app, it’s a good tool to add into your workflow. That way, you’ll have recovery options on each machine or device.

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Hi Ruth

That’s all really helpful, thank you!!


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