Converting Camp Template to Regular NaNoWriMo Template

Hi! I’ve owned Scrivener for 9 years, but last July I upgraded to the newest version, because I’m planning to write my third novel this November. I devoted July to prepping for the novel, using the Camp NaNoWriMo template offered by Scrivener, but now I want to convert the project from a Camp NaNoWriMo project to a regular NaNoWriMo project so that I can begin to actually start writing into the Manuscript section (up to now I’ve just been putting everything into Notes and Research) on November 1st, without losing all my prep work. Is there an approved way to do that? Do I just download the NaNo template and then import it into Scrivener, allowing it to overwrite the camp template? Do I paste everything into a blank new project created using the NaNo template? I’ve searched the forums but haven’t found anything.

What specific functionality are you looking for? The two templates aren’t going to be all that different. And project templates generally are best thought of as “starter” projects: there’s nothing in any of the templates that can’t be achieved in any of the others.

Yes, this (actually dragging and dropping, not copy/paste) is the answer if, again, you decide you need to.

The only functional difference between the two is the deadline setting, in the Project Targets panel, which you can change by clicking on the Options button in the lower right corner of it.

The rest is merely a logo and some wording differences in the help file at the top of the binder (if you even kept it).

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That’s very helpful. Thank you! I guess I can just delete that welcome material and update the Project Target. Mainly I was just getting distracted when I saw the camp logo, so it’s good to know I can just delete that and move forward.

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Isn’t the Upload word count functionality part of the NaNoWriMo- version any more?

I think it is, but hopefully it’s the same for both CampNaNo and regular NaNo.

Yeah, it’s still there. Whether the server actually accepts responses before November 1 though, I don’t know.

That’s okay! I wasn’t going to start writing into the manuscript before Nov 1. I just wanted it set up and ready to go by then. The NaNo organization is having difficulties (to put it mildly) at the moment, so I’m not even 100% counting on their servers being up throughout November, but we shall see.