Copy-paste from browser omits "bold" formatting

I normally have no problem copypasting from the web, but today I encountered an unwelcome problem/feature.
I had found an interesting interview in New York Times. all questions were shown in Bold, and answers following directly (no new line) in standard.
in scrivener all text landed as standard!
it takes quite som effort to get the Bold correctly back.
I have tested it pasting into a word document, and here the Bold survives . Is there any way /setting, where I can adjust for the survival of Bold?

Did you use Menu: Edit ā†’ Paste or Menu: Edit ā†’ Paste and Match Style (or their keyboard shortcuts)?

The former would probably have worked as you expected. It also depends on what NYTimes and your browser actually copied into your system clipboard.

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If you need to preserve bold and italics in text pasted in, but you need it in your default font, not the font of the source text, you need to use ā€˜Pasteā€™, not ā€˜Paste and Match Styleā€™, followed by ā€˜Documents > Convert > Text to Default Formattingā€¦ā€™


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If it really isnā€™t working with regular paste, then the thing to check is pasting into TextEdit, not Word. The latter has nothing to do with how most native Mac programs work. If it doesnā€™t work in TextEdit either then you should try another browser, to copy and paste from, like Safari. Not all browsers copy rich text formatting the same way.

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Good pointā€¦ alas this does not solve it for me (as far as i have grasped it)
i have triede pasting into Pages, Nisus Writerā€¦ both strips all formatting, but since the oddness of Word retain the Bold (and font type/size), when I the copy from the word document and paste this into Scrivener the Bold etc is maintained.

Since about only 1% of my input, may have this Bold-feature, Iā€™ll use the go-to-word-copy-to-scrivener workaround, rather than look for different solutions.
I rely heavily on KM macros for my ā€˜copy/pasteā€™ options, and I am not eager to change those :wink:

One thing about Word is, since it is assumed everyone uses it, most other programs spend 99% of their attempts to make their code interoperable, on Word. Pasting into a browser, into a website form with proper formatting? Probably will only work reliably from Word. Pasting from a website? Most likely will work in Word. Anywhere else? Itā€™s a toss-up whether the developers felt it was worth spending time on something ā€œnobodyā€ uses. And yeah, that can include all Mac users since there arenā€™t that many of them compared to Word users.

Strange that Safari wouldnā€™t work though, did you try another page? Could be something unique NYT is using to indicate bold, where itā€™s not actually bold for instance, maybe ā€œMediumā€ weight, for which the target substitution font has no precise equivalent and might be erring toward Regular weight, since medium is typically a more stylistic choice rather than meaningful.


Many options here, nowā€¦
I can send you the URL, for the articleā€¦ I m a subscriber, but mybe you can open it


I donā€™t know if that would help, as I didnā€™t have any problems with bold in general on their site (even if I canā€™t see the whole article I still see parts, and there is bold around the header area). All that really tells me is that changing variables (browsers, fonts, etc.) on your end is probably just as efficient as me trying to change variables on my end until it breaks (since I donā€™t even know if I ever could).

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:+1: I agreeā€¦ since I have to post 20 characters

I should mention I had success using a Chromium-based browser (Vivaldi).

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Iā€™ve just tried with a NYT article, pasting into both NWP and Scrivener, and bold and italics, along with links, came through as expected.

I too am using a Chromium-based browser, Arc in this case.


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Highly interesting options.
Tried Vivaldi, for my first time, it feels nice, and rather different from Safari :nerd_face:
Using it for this article (via my KM macros) however, does not bring the Bold up, rather set fontsize to 12, which is way too smal for my eyesā€¦
Doing simple copy-paste does bring in the Bold and text characters at 15. which is ok.
However the right indent on the heading needs trimming to full with. But that is a detail.
Iā€™ll have some looks into Vivaldi later, but for now my present Safari based set up (running now for 6+ years) will stay in place

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Just a feedback on ā€œmy problemā€.

I have solved it, without using say Word as intermediate station.

When using copy/paste I rely on some rather complex KM macros, which also aligns margins tabs etc for a somewhat ā€˜unifiedā€™ look.

Rather than tinkering with all these maco-steps I have found that by first selecting the part of article that comes before ā€˜the boldā€™, and then after this has arrived in scrivener, I use the standard copy/paste for the remainder of the text in the article, and this lands with formatting intact.

Hoooraaay :beer:


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