Copy Srivener icons

Scrivener enables choice of icons for items in the Binder.
How can I copy and paste those items into a document, eg to make myself a reference list of how I have used them?

Why not make an icon folder and every document inside has an icon you use and the document title is its function.
On top of that make an icon collection. Rather than changing binder position just open the collection to look at your icon “key”.

Thanks! That does work but restricts comments on my use of each category and is a bit annoying as I have a consolidated, cross-project “How-to Scrivener” doc which should hold this info.
I could take a screen shot of the relevant binder section and paste that into the doc, bit clumsy.
Thanks again.

Make yourself a Reference List document in Research. Populate your document. Drag it to Project Bookmarks. While working, when you click on the Reference List in the Inspector, it’ll show its info in the Preview Window below Bookmarks. You need never leave where you are in the Editor, and it will be available wherever you may be in your project. You can even update your Reference List in the Preview window if you like.

I might not be understanding how you take notes, but a binder item has a variety of ways in which it can be annotated, in a descending order of visibility:

  • The Title: what is right next to the icon. This is visible everywhere, but it is also necessarily brief.
  • The Synopsis: almost as visible as the title, it is prominently featured and easy to edit in two of three view modes, and otherwise omnipresent in the inspector. Being larger, and expandable in the case of the Outliner, it is good for paragraph length descriptions of why something exists.
  • The Notes: just below the card in the inspector is an area where even more can be said about a thing. Whole chunks of text, images, whatever else you want to say about something.
  • And of course, finally the Text itself, which can hold whole books (whether you should or not is another matter).

For myself, when I make a “legend” in the binder like this, I mainly use Title and Synopsis. The latter gets put into tool tips often, for cases where I’m not looking a the list in the editor, so I put a short reminder in the title and then any details and notes into synopsis.

…as I have a consolidated, cross-project “How-to Scrivener” doc which should hold this info.

Now that part is a bit more challenging to address otherwise. Some people create a whole project for notes like this though, it’s worth noting. It makes it possible to import threads like this for reference, or sort things into sections—everything a project can do. Since you can have any number of projects open at once, it’s not big deal to have this one in the background most of the time.

As for the images themselves, sadly modern Macs make it more difficult to look at software assets than it should be. Back when it was a more open system, you could dig into the icons folder and easily make your own variants, or do whatever you want with them.

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Thanks, that extends my knowledge of right column tools!
However, at the stage where you say “Populate your document”, I can’t see how I can add the icons to the document. The point of my query was to paste Binder icons into a document.

Thanks, I had overlooked the many options for notations and find the text area itself to be fine.
I’m also experimenting with Revo Ti Lior’s suggestion for making a reference list as a Projects bookmark, to give access from within all documents. What I’ve discovered is that if I make a folder in Binder and within it create files with the appropriate icons, (as suggested by GoalieDad) I can then drag those files (line by line) into Project Bookmarks. The icons are preserved and the text (label) is editable. Still no copy and paste of icons, but at least I have a visual list of icons with editable labels, available within every document, which is good enough for me.

What I’ve discovered by playing with RevoTiLlor’s suggestion is that if I make a folder in Binder and within it create files with the appropriate icons (as you suggested) I can then drag those files (line by line) from Binder into Project Bookmarks. The icons are preserved and the text (label) are editable. Still no copy and paste of icons, but at least I have a visual list of icons with editable labels, available within every document, which is good enough for me.

What I’ve discovered by playing with your suggestion is that if I make a folder in Binder and within it create files with the appropriate icons (as GoalieDad suggested) I can then drag those files (line by line) from Binder into Project Bookmarks. The icons are preserved and the text (label) are editable. Still no copy and paste of icons, but at least I have a visual list of icons with editable labels, available within every document, which is good enough for me.

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