Copying and Pasting Chinese Chracters

Hi everyone,

I’ve run into a bit of an issue, with copying and pasting texts with a mix of English and Chinese from Word 2010 into Scrivener. If I copy and paste regularly, all the text will show up with the proper footnotes, except for these random latin letters showing up after each Chinese character. I have tried converting file to RTF and then importing, but the results would be the same. I have also tried pasting and match style, which would paste the Chinese characters perfectly without the weird latin letters after each character, but then none of the footnotes would show up. It’s more of a nuisance, really, because I can easily just delete the random latin letters after each Chinese character manually. Nonetheless, my thesis easily contains at least hundreds (and probably thousands if you count the translations) of Chinese characters… surely you can understand how this can be very frustrating and tedious!

I’ve attached a picture to better illustrate what the issue is. I have searched the forums, and some of the older threads mention a comparable issue, but the problem/solution weren’t exact either. If any one has experience dealing with this issue, I would really appreciate your insight. Dear Literature and Latte Team, could you please look into what might be the underlying problem?


Hi Allen,

I’ve been using Scrivener with mixed Chinese and English texts for years, but at the same time, I’ve not had to deal with footnotes. Also, I’m on the Mac version, not Windows, and that may make a difference.

Two questions spring to mind:

(1) Do you know what encoding the Word 2010 text is using? Scrivener on the Mac uses UTF8, and I think Word might use UTF16 … if I’m right Lee or Ioa (AmberV) would be better placed to say whether that might produce the spurious characters;

(2) You say you are copying and pasting from the Word 2010 docx, but saved to RTF and then imported. Why are you not importing the .docx directly … or is there something I don’t know about the Windows version of Scrivener?

But in any cases like these, my immediate thought is that it is a coding issue; they can be very fraught with CJK languages with their multibyte characters. Is the document in question huge?

