Correct screenplay format


I was wondering if the settings of the screenplay format is correct for the industry standard (margins and spacing). I checked them in Scrivener and saw how to change them. But I’m a little confused because the information I found online made me believe they don’t seem to fit that standard. If you know they are correct or have any suggestion to change them accordingly, I’d be happy to hear it.


I am not sure what you mean specifically, but you may be referring to what is discussed in the user manual PDF, in §19.7.2, where the Script Settings window you discovered is documented. Note the yellow tip box on Ruler Conversions a few pages after the section heading.

In short though, yes they are correct, though in most cases we recommend compiling to FDX so that it can be printed from a program that dedicates more of its code base to formatting properly. Scrivener’s better for the early drafting, and getting text into the right elements to begin with—and it’s good enough for page count estimations, personal proofing copies and such, too.

Thanks a lot for that fast, precise and helpful advice. That’s exactly what I was wondering about. I should have looked up in the manual :slight_smile: