Hello, I tried to briefly close my Scapple file to rename it but now I just have this error on the title popped up whenever I tries to open my project file. Apart from making notes I don’t think I’ve ever fiddled with any settings in Scapple, so this is really perplexing. Have anyone encountered this and how may I resolve this?
I would upload my file here for diagnosis but the forums don’t allow over 2mb files.
If that is the entirety of the error message, that a quote mark is unexpected, it sounds like an XML error to me. I thinking having a look at the file will be best. How large is it when compressed to zip? That should help a bit, but if not you can send it in via our email address instead, which has a 10mb cap.
Its 4.5mb in size, I have also sent an email to scapple@literatureandlatte.com (Title “Cannot open file”) about an hour ago which has the file attached!
I have the same problem and it happened randomly to one file and now the next. this is a major problem for me. is there a way to fix it please? thank you
I have the same problem and it happened randomly to one of my spreadsheets and now it happened to the other one also. this is a big issue for me. Can i get help please? thank you
We’ve seen this from null characters somehow making their way into the Scapple XML file. It can be fixed by editing the .scap file in a text/XML editor to remove the gremlin characters characters and then resaving (keeping the .scap file extension).
In an editor such as Notepad++ that will show the control character codes and allows a RegEx search for Unicode points, try looking for [\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F] and deleting any such characters you find. (You can create a copy of the file first before editing it so you’ve got that as a backup!) Or you can send a zipped copy of the file to support and we can make that fix and return it to you.