I created a small project on my iPad today. Synced with Dropbox. I can see the project on Dropbox and laptop but when I try to open I get the error message below. Not sure what this means related to ‘older format’. I have iOS 1.2.4. I did “show package contents” there is no file ‘binder.scrivproj’. Since I had barely begun the project, I did not do anything other than sync. Outside my technical skill. Thoughts?
" The document “Becoming Unbreakable.scriv” could not be opened.
The project at “/Users/danakillion/Dropbox/Apps/Scrivener/Becoming Unbreakable.scriv” seems to be of an older format, but no binder.scrivproj file could be found inside it. It may be missing or corrupt, possibly because of a problem with the device on which it is stored, or because of a synchronisation problem.
Try ctrl-clicking on the project in the Finder and selecting “Show Package Contents”, then look for a file entitled ‘binder.scrivproj’. Ensure it has not been renamed by a backup routine. If it does not exist, try restoring from a backup."