Creating auto capitals

Hi everyone. I’m still leaning this software and wondering if there is any way to edit the spelling list like I used to do in word?

Id like to make certain names of my characters auto capitals instead of seeing red lines under them, edit spelling mistakes that are not mistakes. or worse, having some words constantly changed for me. its getting annoying.

thank you

Works for me. I right click on the word that offends Scrivener with a red line, and pick the appropriate action,

I had a look but im not seeing what I want. I have a name im using for a character and its not making it a capital and its not underlining it red so I cant click to change it. is thee a function that allows me to add words to a spelling list like I get in a word document?

See section 15.2.5 in the Scrivener Manual.

Find out where Substitutions are on a Mac under Scrivener Settings.
Then add the words you want to be auto-replaced.
Looks something like this:

A number of things to consider:
If you want a name like John replaced by JOHN, then:

  1. You need to type John, not john, i.e. it will only replace an exact match.
  2. However, a surname line Johnson will also be partially capitalised to JOHNson.
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In Mac settings, go to Keyboard then Text Replacements.

eg, on the left, type david, on the right, type David.


Thnaks everyone. will have a go.