Creating shortcut for Reset Icon to Default?

I sometimes / often change default icon to show one of the (many) from the list. Thats fine.
I have tried to create a shortcut key combo in MacOS 15.3.1, but this one will not “work” as I hoped it would…
Will anyone in this forum have a working suggestion for me?


To add some details:
I have tried 3 versions, none of them gave the desired result:
Change Icon
Reset Icon to Default
Change Icon Reset Icon to Default

(the first items int he screenshot does work, so my expectations were that the new one would too)

So maybe this is not possible? Still a shortcut key in scrivener to reset would indeed be practical. I mean when I type I use the keyboard and it is a bit “off the subject” to have to reach for the mouse for this action.


This works for me:

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It works for me with Reset Icon to Default.

You do have to get the menu title exactly right – a stray space or the wrong capitalisation can break the shortcut.

BTW, your suggestions Change Icon and Change Icon Reset Icon to Default won’t work, as the menu item has to be the lowest level (unless the item ends with when it opens a new dialogue).

If you want to specify the menu path to remove ambiguity, you have to use -> between the levels, so Change Icon -> Reset Icon to Default.

This is from Apple’s help ( Create keyboard shortcuts for apps on Mac – Apple Support (UK))

In the “Menu title” field, type the menu command for which you want to create a shortcut, exactly as the command appears in the app, including the > character (type ->), ellipses (type three full stops without spaces) or other punctuation.



Thanks for your inputs, it works for me now, the way you suggested.
Why it did not before??? Well never mind


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