Creation vs Digital Creation and are we living in a simulation?

This came across my Mastodon feed:

The ruler is AI, which only operates in the realm of 1s and 0s, in the digital, in the mapping of the line. The line itself is the irreducable territory, unfathomably more infinite in its myriad unmappable points.

No matter how powerful the ruler, it will never cross the chasm Into reality.

This is important because technocrats conflate Creation with digital creation, argue we’re in a “simulation” as though some advanced techno-savvy race could “program” our reality. But if fundamentally misunderstands the difference between programs which operate in the abstract, conceptual, digital level and reality which operates in a higher order of infinity.

For context, here’s the original post: Imagine you had a line, and you wanted to understand it. You break out a ruler, and ...

That’s a perfectly valid option amongst “God was bored” and “it just happened somehow”, though.

I’m always interested to hear someone’s interpretation of reality based on their own personal limitations – and we all have limitations. Even Einstein couldn’t figure this one out.

The first problem with this interpretation is the absence of knowledge of limits and continuity: two fundamentals of mathematics (calculus and analysis).

The next, I’d suggest, is interpolation. This is commonly experienced when listening to music from any digital source – which is pretty much all non-live music these days, and even then…

Finally, we may as well invoke quantum theory and suggest that a limitation of “reality” is the Planck length. Thankfully, we still seem to cope despite this – and the fact that everything vibrates.

I’ll leave the leap into dualism to those who believe in such a thing.

As to "operates in a higher order of infinity”: I can only point, open-mouthed, at thousands of years of work on such things as the cardinality of the continuum.

Metaphors can be treacherous buggers.