Cursor does not move while I type

I am on the latest Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1.

When writing, I use the pointer to place the cursor, but when I start writing the cursor does not move with my typing. It remains where I originally placed the cursor, so if I stop writing I have no idea where the actual cursor is, as it still appears where I had placed it with the pointer.

This is very frustrating, and I cannot find anything in settings to change it. Just like I can now as I write this, I need to know where I stopped writing, not where I started inserting.

Any ideas? It really makes it impossible for me to write in Scrivener. I can only copy and paste things written somewhere where the cursor behaves properly.

Thank you in advance.

Are you using a right-aligned tab stop? That will cause new text to run backwards (in left-to-right languages) from the tab stop, while the cursor remains in place.

To check, use View → Text Editing → Show Ruler to show the ruler, and look for a left-pointing arrow.

If that doesn’t help, do you see the issue in other documents in this project? In other projects?

It’s not text running backwards. The text runs forward, but when I stop typing, there’s no blinking cursor, just a static cursor where I started typing. This only happens in Scrivener, not other word processors.

AND… just like that rattle in your car you want to ask your mechanic about… today it’s not happening. The problem seems to have fixed itself, though I did nothing but close and reopen the file. And yes, it was all Scrivener files this was happening on. All documents in a project, and different projects.

I’ve thought it was gone before. I’m sure it will be back.