I’m using Scrivener v.3 for Windows.
I need to change the format for my entire novel manuscript to add 0.25 inch indent to each first new paragraph + 0 pt line spacing between paragraphs.
I’ve figured out how to do this for each individual text (manuscript is divided into ‘folders’, ‘sub-folders’ and ‘text’ within sub folders) - using ‘format’->‘paragraph’->‘tabs and indents’/‘line and paragraphs spacing’ - but I want to just make this the default format and automatically change it for the entire manuscript (don’t care if this means the entire project with notes and research get changed as well).
I can’t figure out how to automize this -using ‘File’->‘options’ give me no choice to change indent and paragraphs.
If I first change indent and paragraphs, then click ‘make formatting default’, then hihglight the entire manuscript and click ‘documents’->‘convert’->‘text to formatting default’, then the entire manuscript resets to the original format with no indents and 8.pt line space between paragraphs.
How do I make the format of my choice the default and convert the entire manuscript to my chosen default format?