Is there a way to set a default setting for when to reset the session word count? I don’t always have word count goals (in fact I usually don’t) but I do always want to know how much I’ve written in a given session, and I am usually up too late doing it. having to change the reset time for every single project I create is a huge pain, especially since I don’t even remember I have to do it until I’ve checked the session word count at 2am and discovered it reset on me again. How can I make my default setting of choice an actual default setting?
Why not set it to “never” and reset it yourself at the end of your session? …Since you’ll be looking at it then anyways, from your description of “why”. (?)
The other option is to open the concerned project files in notepad and use FIND and then replace the time. LL will likely be against. It works under windows. Mac, I don’t know.
For future projects : set the right time in a project template and create new projects from it.
[/end of nostalgia]
These are both good suggestions, but neither of them addresses my actual question, which is: how do I make my preferred setting, whatever that preferred setting may be, the default setting for all projects? I’ve already found the settings I like; now I want to make them apply to all my projects so I don’t have to think about it ever again.
The problem is that, whenever I create a new project, that new project’s session word count resets at 1am, because I forget I have to change the setting. I just want to know how to make it so I don’t have to change that setting for every project.
The template suggestion would work, though, thank you! Sorry, missed that one on my first read.
There is no such global default setting.
Last minute addition.