Did you miss me?

It wan’t you. It was a cumulative effect. Prior to those other folks, us mac types could converse about real important things likes bacon being fried vs backed, tea vs home roasted coffee. Now the conversation in nearly every thread gets to a point of shortcuts. I have been in this industry (it) for over 20 years and I just don’t give a f*ck anymore. I like mac because I do. When the conversations become so embroiled that I start to care I leave. I only came back because

  1. I miss vic-k (who I do talk to outside scrip), work, PJS, Mr X and a few others.
  2. KB and IOA may need to bail my carry ass out as I really start to use scriv for school.
  3. And I just don’t give a f*ck about the OS wars anymore. If folks start to go there I will tell them to f-off and begin to ignore them. Remember I admitted to not being adult enough in a previous post.

That said, you, mer fender, have nothing to feel guilty about. Immaturity takes on my forms. Mine goes to a different sandbox to play with its toys.

How you been?

For those keeping track the use of the … bad word was intentional. Just making a point. KB and I still disagree about the turtles. But we do it lovingly. Too bad OS wars can’t be resolved with a simple laugh and handshake.

I have been mildly annoying and mostly irrelevant, thanks for asking!

I’m sorry to say that I missed your long hiatus, but that’s mainly because I avoid the “And Now for That Latte” thread, because Vic takes such good care of it, and also I want to have a life. But now that you alert me to a 7 month’s absence, I think good grief, how could that happen, because the guy is so great at fixing tech problems/questions and also he has a warped, backwoods sense of humor.

So, I hope all the child-rearing and losing stuff is tucked away. What, did your daughter get married or go off to college? Either way, it’s a jolt to a tight family; people speak of “losing” a child, but the truth is, in today’s economy, they may be back living in the basement all too soon. And they aren’t kids any more, so they listen to your wisdom even less.

And you are going back to school? That is so cool. I hope that you’re studying something useful but also fun. Please tell me you are not going for a degree in theology. :smiling_imp:

Anyway, welcome back, and don’t take anyone here too seriously. Droo

Well droo, the kid is graduating from high school. Which is not really “losing”, but in the world I come from it means that a parting of ways is inevitable. When my sister turned 18, keep in mind she was the good one, she moved to RUSSIA to get far enough away from the family. So I am pretty sure that I can count on this one getting out and staying out since she pretty much says “you aren’t all that bad, but I am soon to be rid of you”.

Although I have recently discovered quite a soft spot in the previously rock hard part of me that is “I hate kids”.

Work has finally given me the ultimatum – get edumacated or get out. I’m too lazy to find a new job so edumacation it is. To make the effort slightly less heinous for me I have managed to convince my employer to pay for it. Their condition is that I must maintain a course of study that fits my role in the corporation. I agreed, but was quite surprised when they declined to pay for my enrollment in clown school. I was even more surprised when they said that theatrical production for toddlers was out as well. My repeated insistence that the management of the organization clearly demonstrated that my audience was more interested in performance art and flashy colors summarily ignored and so I have had to settle on a boring “business management” POS plan. Granted I have managed to get “creative writing” in as a core of my first term (which starts next week) so there will be some fun involved.

All in all I will be bored out of my mind. Luckily I have gotten very good at delegating in the office to I am pretty sure I can get each paper completed by my staff with little actual effort on my part.

Let me reiterate that I am only there till they give me the paper and tell me to leave. Although if I do get a few theology credits in there … nah. It wouldn’t really help me.

BTW congratulations. I think you know what I am talking about. If not then I leave you to simmer in your own confusion.

Who has been keeping Vic-k in line?

So I got this new mac with this lion thing on it. It makes my bad writing even worse as it keeps changing the intentional misspelled words on me. Anyone know how to make this thing let me be only as stupid as I want to be?


SYS Pref > Language & Text > Text Tab > Uncheck "Correct Spelling Automatically

Sorry. There seems to be an internal contradiction in your question. It probably traces to the underlying premise rather than to the anonymous actor.

Or was it merely a rhetorical question?


Some helpful Lion tips

lifehacker.com/5829787/lion-twea … -latest-os


lifehacker.com/5817644/top-10-se … -os-x-lion

lifehacker.com/5854060/get-more- … option-key

You been suckling at Mammy Jameson’s nipple again?..tch!tch!tch!

Jaysen wrote:
Who has been keeping Vic-k in line?



We all have our crosses to bear, but unfortunately some crosses are more burdensome than others. Ah well…c’est la vie…eh pige? :frowning:

That’s funny. I’ve always felt like Vic-k has been keeping me in line.

You should plead the fifth to all resultant questions.

In Mr. K’s case, the fifth will be Jameson. As perhaps will be the case.


We don’t drink none of that fancy stuff 'round these parts. Wild Turkey or Jim Beam would do us nicely. Or, if we are gonna be fancy, then we vomit up little gold flakes.

:unamused: intelligentsia colliding with sophistication…what do you get? Intestication

I do indeed, and thanks. And I look forward to hearing more about your adventures in creative writing. You could build a neat set of stories around your experiences with maladroit users of IT. Or draft a set of standup routines. That’s probably a faster track to fame and fortune. Good luck!

The specific referent in my earlier post

was Herr Direktor Victor K, who – like half my own ancestors – is of Gaelic persuasion. For him and for them and for me, Jameson is hardly “fancy stuff.” (Unless, of course, we are drinking the 18-year.)

I am familiar with WT; overly familiar, a time or two. For fancy stuff, very occasionally a tumbler of Redbreast. When, the night before I am hanged for sedition, insolence, or decrepitude, I am offered a final libation, it will be Connemara.


Your experiences sound like something my uncle told me when I started grad school: “You’re only there to get the hell out.” And, yeah, by the time I turned in the dissertation, I was climbing the walls. :slight_smile: