Not sure if this is a bug, a setting, or even a feature, but when I view a project in Scrivening Mode, the line spacing, which by default has been set to 1.5, is suddenly 2.0. This is not a huge deal, but I’m editing someone’s book in Scrivener, and they fret when they see this inconsistency –
Not sure why that would happen, but does the change in line spacing persist when go back to an indiviual document? Does this occur for every project you have or just this one. Are you sharing the project and on what cloud service or are you sharing zip backups?
We need more details about what is going on to help find an answer.
Hi GoalieDad
The line spacing returns to the default setting when going back to an individual document. So, I don’t believe it’s a major issue that will cause problems at the end of the process. As far as I can tell, it’s just this project, which I’m saving and sharing via DopBox, no zips.