I dropped a document onto a folder in the binder, then couldn’t get it back! Where did it go, and more importantly how do I get it back?
It can’t just disappear. Chances are it just accidently landed somewhere unexpected. There are a few ways to look.
First make sure your binder is expanded and is showing all sub-documents. Is the missing doc ‘hiding’ inside another doc or folder?
Check your Scrivener “Trash” folder. This is where anything that was accidently “deleted” would land. It’s a fail-safe, and requires a second click to empty the trash.
Search for a word or phrase you know was part of the missing doc.
Could use a bit more info here …
- how did you “drop” it?
- from where did you grab it (original location)?
- if using “drag and drop” is the document still in its original location.
- exactly where in Binder did you drop it? Below “Drafts” or below some other parent folder?
- what was the document type? (DOCX, DOC, PNG, RTF, … )
- did you look in Trash for the document?
- If you open up all the folders in the Binder, does the document appear?
Guys, thanks. Expanding and some spelunking turned up the item.
The other way to search is search by date created/ modified and will see list of recently changed/ created documents.