Does version 3.1 work well with 4k monitors on Windows 10?

Hi there, I’m considering moving from my current 1980x1200 monitor to a 4k. I found posts either very old or reporting problems when switching between monitors with different resolutions, which is not going to be an issue for me. Does it mean that otherwise 4k monitors work well? Are they better/easier on the eyes using Scrivener or are there other noticeable differences?


All the best,

Works fine on both my 2k and 4k monitors.

As I get older and eyesight suffers more I find that I’m spending more time with Scrivener on the 2k monitor. I’ve even stepped the 27" down a notch form the full 4k. I think I need a 39" 5k monitor :slight_smile:

To answer your question and expand a bit:
I have 4K laptop, 13.6” screen. My external monitor is 1089p, 23”.
To prevent the display from shrinking Scrivener on the external monitor or massively scaling the size from the external display to the laptop, a Scrivener window must be full screen when swapping Scrivener between these disparate resolutions. It won’t resize seamless like with Word or whatever if not in full screen.
You swap between displays using Win+Shift+Left and Win+Shift+Right, as the case may be. Dragging between screens with a mouse takes a window out of full screen mode, so the technique only works with the keyboard shortcut.
It’s the same experience on Windows 10 and 11.
Perhaps a question to the developer is: Can some code be added on the development side to circumvent the need for the user to go full screen when swapping displays and resizing according to resolution on disparate displays?

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Good to know! Thank you!

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