Double-clicking on Keyword column in Outline view seems to produce unintuitive/incorrect behavior

If you enable keywords in the Outline view, and double click on the keyword column, instead of letting you edit the keyword, it unexpectedly switches the view to Scrivenings, even if the view has been locked. This seems to be incorrect behavior. Additionally, clicking the back button takes the view back to Outline view, but it then is unlocked, requiring me to lock it again. This is cumbersome.

I can confirm this behavior, not only with Keywords but also with Total Words and other non-editable columns.

I don’t know whether it’s intentional or not. To edit Keywords, though, use the Inspector.

I would imagine it’s there so that it gives you a quick way to open all documents with that keyword in a Scrivenings session. Not something that has been important to me. but I can imagine it being useful.
