Dropbox update and Scrivener

Dropbox has been prodding me about an update I should install, but reading the link they provided …


…implies there are some sizeable changes. Like many Scrivener Mac users, I use Dropbox to sync my work, as advised by L&L. So before I update, I’m wondering if anyone is using this new Dropbox version successfully with Scriv files.

There’s no mention of how this Dropbox initiated change will impact of iOS/iPadOS Scrivener users.

I hate the idea of this CloudStorage folder being immutable. I prefer to have the folder known as Dropbox.

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It affects desktops, not iPads and iPhones. If you sync between the two, there can be an indirect effect on the latter.

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Thanks everyone for contributing. I did the update and have had no problems. In point of fact, most of my Scriv projects are in Sync (Sync.com) as my Chinese collaborators are blocked from using Dropbox. All the files moved successfully.

As for it now being located in the Library, that just means it appears under “Locations” in Finder sidebars rather than in its former location under “Favourites”. And it is still there in “Favourites” in ForkLift.




And affects those of us on desktops/MacBooks that use Dropbox files from terminal windows.

What does that mean?

$ less ~/Dropbox/Project\ Meanderthal\2022-12-02\ Woods\ clockwise.gpx

for one which is the GPS track of my afternoon exercise.

can you not change the old paths to the new path? and I notice that you are using both forward and back slashes. I did not know that worked in macOS.

The back slashes are escaping the spaces in the file name, the forward slashes are the directory separators.

ok. but can you not change the path to the new location?

Dropbox didn’t roll out this change for my account yet, but if it really shows up under “Locations” now (in the Finder sidebar), it should also be accessible that way: /Volumes/Dropbox (like in “cd /Volumes/Dropbox”). Can anyone confirm this?

Not on my machine. See the Dropbox instructions Dropbox support for macOS FAQs - Dropbox Help

So… it does show up there and you can’t use this path or it doesn’t show up under Locations at all? :thinking: Does ~/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox work?

Yes, per the documentation.

That’s where new Google goes. iCloud (I think) has been there for a while. <-wrong. see edit.

Maybe there is another mount point to allow it to be in Finder’s Locations, but as not documented by Dropbox I’ve not investigated.

Edit: iCloud is not there–at this juncture do not know where it is, but it is in Finder’s Locatoins. But Microsoft OneDrive is there.

Yes what? The documentation says it should (also) be listed under Locations. Unfortunately I can’t test it myself. Or… luckily?

I’m not sure where iCloud (drive) is stored, but I have no “CloudStorage” folder in my user library at all.

Yes, it works at that location.

Can see in a terminal and can see in Finder. Can even drag a shortcut to that folder into Finder. That is how Finder works.

Yes. it is in Locations “group” in Finder.

Yes, the documentation is correct and complete as far as I can see.

With the correct new path I am confident the “less” command will work.

No, i cannot find a mount point to support it being in Finder’s Location, but no doubt it is somehow or another accomplished. But I do not know how.

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Hmmm. Unless Google drive is accessible via “/Volumes” (don’t use it anymore) this means the cloud storage is “not really” mounted like a drive. I don’t understand what Apple tries to achieve here.

But, the Google Gdrive files are accessed just like explained above for Dropbox. I have Hazel rules which pointed to to the old locations and by repointing to the new locations everything works. A special “mount” available on terminal commands is not essential since they provide and document the location in the file system.

I know nothing about how or why Apple changed their spec or rules. Surely documented somewhere as Dropbox, Google, and Microsoft changed to conform.

Frankly, it really all just works and by reading the documentation there are no mysteries.


It’s a case of “why should I?” Having had to contant Dropbox support in the past I am neither comfortable nor hopeful that Dropbox has considered those of us who use Terminal to do stuff.

Their earlier change in which they sneaked out online-only as default does not fill me with any confidence.

See Dropbox support for macOS FAQs - Dropbox Help

As you are a command line user in a terminal (as am I), perhaps you can experiment with symbolic links (or similar) pointing to the new Dropbox folder locations. This could simplify the change you distrust. I’ve not tried this as I don’t have great interest, so over to you.