Find by Formatting bugs

Windows Scriv

Bug #1 - Find by Formatting, Find: Highlighted Text, limit search to a specific color


Result: Find by Formatting ignores the “Limit search to color” checkbox and finds all instances of highlighted text, regardless of the highlighting color.

Bug #2 - Find by Formatting, Find: Colored Text, limit search to a specific color


Result: Find by Formatting doesn’t work at all. That is, it doesn’t find anything.


Thanks for the report. The first one with the highlight we have logged, but I’m not able to reproduce the second case. Could you share the steps you’re taking to see this problem?

Here's what I'm doing:
  1. In a new blank project, write three lines of “test test test test” in the document
  2. Select the first two words of the first line and use the format bar to apply the green text colour (from the top row of colours)
  3. Repeat this for the second word in the second line and the last two words of the third line
  4. Duplicate the document in the binder
  5. Place the insertion point at the start of the first document
  6. Open Edit ▸ Find ▸ Find by Formatting... and set to find “Colored Text”, then tick the box to limit search to color and set the color to green; leave Search In to All Documents
  7. Click Next repeatedly to jump through each instance of green text in both documents
  8. Click Previous repeatedly to jump backwards through each instance

Interesting, Jennifer, thanks for checking.

For the second case, I can replicate your results, in the test project and in my real project. I think it was user error on my part. I was using HTML (#ff5aa4) to set a custom color and perhaps I typed the HTML incorrectly.

So all is well for the second case.


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