Find window remembers screen position

Hi there,

I use the Find window when I want to check for repetitive use of vocabulary. When I open the window, the first thing I do is move it out of the way of the text, so I can skim the found usages more easily.

It’d be great if the window remembered its last screen position each time it opened, so I would only have to do this the first time after opening Scrivener.

Thanks for the awesome program! <3

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While I don’t disagree with any of that, and I’m pretty sure there is already a ticket on it, one thing to note is that you can more easily browse through hits by closing the window (which can be done as easily as hitting Esc) and using F3 and Shift+F3 to jump to the Next/Prev hits, respectively.

Other tips:

  • Something that can save a lot of messing around, when you want to find other instances of a word or phrase that is already right in front of you: select it, hit Ctrl+E to load the selection into the search tool (without opening it), and now you can go straight to the Next/Prev shortcuts.
  • And sometimes Find is the lesser tool for this particular kind of information. Sometimes passively highlighting all of the overused words, you’d like to watch for is best. For that, check out this procedure. This not only may highlight what you’re working on right now, but will gather a list of all the sections containing these words into the left sidebar, as well.

That’s awesome advice, thank you!

I have set my shortcuts to be
F1 Load
F2 Previous
F3 Next

I use it all the time.

And these shortcuts make it so fast and efficient, that I also use them to check word redundancies (by proximity) this way, instead of highlighting or using project search. (At least for a good while, until I go for a real thorough check.) ← You need to set the editor to display line numbering so you can judge of how close instances are to one another.